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History of

Greater Lansing Church of God In Christ

Charles Lincoln Lindsay was born in Honeypath, South Carolina. At the age of six years old he and his family moved to Little Rock, Arkansas. He attended elementary and high school, and also the Philadro Smith Baptist College in the city of Little Rock. He was saved at an early age under the pastorate of Elder Dan Welch. In June 1916 he married Miss Jairlean Burnett.  In 1919, he went out on the evangelistic field to Coffeyville, Kansas. During this period, he moved from city to city, building churches.  


        There was only one Church of God In Christ in the city of Tulsa, and it was located on the hill on East Independence. In the area, the only means of transportation was walking. This was inconvenient to many of the Saints and their families. In the year 1923, the Spirit of the Lord moved upon the elders to expand; therefore, another church was organized by faith with Elder Charles Lincoln Lindsey along with charter members, namely Willie Wilson, Sonny Wilson, Emma Wilson, Lena Wilson, Kate Conley, Annie Streator, Frank Johnson, Lady B. Johnson, R.B. Brown Sr., Mary Brown, Winnie Blakey, Augusta Wilson, Elmira Thompson and Joe Thompson. 


         The first location was in the fourteen hundred block on North Kenosha. Discovering that the property was personally owned, they were forced to move to another location. With the help of the Lord, they were able to purchase the property at 1202 North Lansing, owned by Mrs. Leanna Harper. This property was housed by a shell building with single walls that had to be fixed with tar paper tacked over it to keep out winter winds. In the middle of the building was what was known as a big pot belly heater that furnished heat by the use of coal.


         There were no windows in the church and on each side of the building were two hinged flaps that were raised and held open by boards to cool the building in the summer. This was Mission No. 2. The Lord blessed and poured out His Spirit on these faithful pioneers and souls were added to the church. Elder Lindsey served two and a half years then he moved to assist furthering the gospel in another. He later served as superintendent and was called to rest from his labors in 1938.

          In 1925, the church was without a pastor until the arrival of Elder R.W. Campbell and his wife, the charter members continued in prayer and supplication to God and kept the church operating. Under the administration of Elder Campbell, the church was named Lansing Street Church of God In Christ. The Lord continued to bless and many souls were added to the church. Elder Campbell’s pastorate ended in 1928. 


          In 1929, Bishop E.M. Page sent Elder A.L. Hearne and his wife, Sister Jennie V. Hearne to the pastorate. In 1930 the pastor and members had a mind to build and the Lord began to bless in great ways. Many souls were saved and the church was blessed with great revivals conducted by many outstanding ministers and missionaries. The church program was very effective with many young people willing to work for the Lord. The music Department consisted of adequately qualified members who sang in the 1000 voice city-wide choir under the auspices of Mother J.V. Hearne. 


         Every phase of the church was in operation, namely, Sunday School, Y.P.W.W., Sewing Circle, Home and Foreign Mission, Bible Band and Pastor’s Aide. The crowd grew to such capacity there was no seating room in the building. In 1931 Elder Hearne, along with the men of the church, on the Sunday night after 7 p.m., tore the old building down and built a frame building with windows and doors.  This building was an asset to Tulsa and Lansing Street. The Lord blessed and the grew tremendously, and in 1946 God gave the vision to rename Lansing Street Church of God In Christ and in this year vision became reality. God began to bless financially, the church was remodeled inside and permastone was added to the outside. This made a beautiful place of worship and an asset to the community.


         In the late 1940s, Mother Ada Riley had the vision to build. She and Sister Lou Vina Jenkins conducted a financial rally to rededicate the church and the Lord blessed their labor. As time past on the Lord continued to bless. Anyone coming to the church after 7:00 pm found it difficult to find a seat. Lansing Street did rapidly progress. 

        After Elder Hearn’s 48 years of service to the church and 21 years of service to the jurisdiction, the weight became too heavy to carry farther. Elder Hearne, who had become a Bishop, decided to share the load. In appreciation of the service he had rendered, the membership blessed him with a 48th-year-anniversary celebration.


        On January 5, 1978, Bishop A.L. Hearne appointed Elder Titus Robertson and his wife Olivia Robertson to the pastorate. In November 1979 the church relocated from 1202 North Lansing to its present location at 4909 North Cincinnati Ave due to a fire that was believed to arson, the name changed at that time to Greater Lansing Church of God In Christ. The Lord blessed Elder Titus Robertson’s labor. On October 12, 1983, he was called to rest from his labors. 


         Elder Wayne Robbins and his wife Angela Robbins was installed to the pastorate in 1983 and served for approximately two years. Elder James W. Ciggs and his wife Daisy Ciggs then assumed the pastorate and served for approximately 2 years. The charter members continued in prayer and in supplication and kept the doors of the church until Superintendent Benjamin Borens, Sr. and wife Thermaple Borens took over the pastorate in July 1989.


         The Lord has continued to bless the church under his pastorate. He is a consecrated pastor dedicated to the work of the Lord. Superintendent Borens has been such an asset to our church in more ways than once. Since his pastorate begin the church has evolved and continued to grow. Under his leadership, the church has begun to address the spiritual and educational needs of the congregation and the community at large. We have since with support of the Greater Lansing congregation and outside patronage remodeled our kitchen, restrooms and added a library. Several vans have been purchased as well as computers for our computer lab, tutoring program, copier and computer for the general church use. This church has been blessed from the beginning. Many ministers and missionaries had their beginnings here and have elevated to the heights as pastors, district missionaries, district superintendents, and bishops. 

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P. O. Box 2234 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101

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